How to choose a large travel backpack or suitcase for 4 days vacation?

Every once in a while, we like to take ourselves on a short trip with luggages. Enjoy the sunshine and feel the nature. Then the question comes, which is better for a 4 days vacation, large travel backpack or suitcase?

 How to choose a large travel backpack or suitcase for 4 days vacation?

Travel must be as simple and as relaxing as possible.It all depends. Here are 2 choices for you:

The first case: If you mountain hiking or climbing alone. It's better to carry on a outdoor travel backpack with few clothings but no shoes, because packing light make your trip more easily.

The second case: If you get together with friends and focus on sightseeing and walking. Bring an outdoor hiking backpack and suitcase on your way. Put things like clothes and travel toiletry bag in your suitcase. Keep small things like power band and water bottles in your backpack. In this way, you can put your suitcase directly in the hotel, carrying a backpack around the major attractions and walking tour are very light. 

How to choose a large travel backpack or suitcase for 4 days vacation

After the trip, if you need to bring speciality, you can put most of your clothes and toiletry things in your backpack, and put speciality in your luggage to solve the storage problem, which will make the trip easier.

Outdoor backpacks are light, slightly waterproof, and not as heavy as casual backpacks. They can easily be rolled up and packed into your suitcase. An outdoor backpack is a smart travel bag for any type of trip.

How to choose a large travel backpack or suitcase for 4 days vacation

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